Monday 19 November 2012

Fun, Fungi Walk!


Mica-Cap (Coprinellus Micaceus)
Unfortunately for me I was away last Friday as I was home sick with the flu, caused by the influenza virus type C. I heard of the great excitement of the nature walk, as my fellow classmates were able to see countless types of fungi, I heard that the sight of polypore fungi (abundisporus), was a common one, very cool. The park around our high school is going to prove to provide an endless supply of fungi in the future. Though I was unable to experience the nature walk, I will post pictures of so fungi I could have see! 
The purpose of the walk was so that our class could see the many types of fungi growing in our backyards, to show us that we live in a diverse ecosystem!
Pithya Vulgaris
Orange Peel Fungus (Caloscypha fulgen)

Oyster Mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus).
Yellow-gilled Russula
Western Giant Puffball
Mica Cap (Corpinellus Micaeus) 

1 comment:

  1. We missed you on our walk Alex, but we're glad you're feeling better and are able to come tomomrrow on our next biological adventure! In your next blog entry try to talk more about how the activities purpose helped us to understand biology (or what we learned in class) better. Also try to incorporate more facts that we learned in class. Perhaps go through your notes/memory and add those names, lifecycle facts, and concepts to what we saw on our trip. that'll get you full marks for sure! You did a good job of collecting fungi, even if they were only photographs. They are good ones!

    Prep of blog entry-3
    Quality of Content-2
    Personal Reflection-2
